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Architecture and Construction Pathway

Architectural, aeronautical, civil, chemical, computer, electrical, industrial, mechanical, structural, and manufacturing engineering.
The Architectural Pathway Program
Developed in the spring of 2013, the Architectural Pathway program at L. G. Pinkston High School is introducing seniors at Pinkston High School to the individuals and careers that create the built environment around us, giving them a better understanding of the real word of design.
The chamber is honoring the program for having the vision to connect students in West Dallas to homebuilding professionals throughout the city and help them better envision a future as a contractor, landscape designer, engineer of architect.
Under the guidance of industry professionals and former Dallas Arts District Executive Director Veletta Lill, 23 seniors in the program will compete this fall in teams to create designs that a panel of professionals will judge.  Those students with the winning design will construct their vision under the guidance of general contractors.  In addition, the program is challenging the students to take a neglected interior courtyard at Pinkston High School and redesign it into a space that will make it more appealing to the student body.
 Architectural Pathway Program
Read the Aug. 9, 2013 Visionary Announcement Press Release.  Click here.