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Transportation is provided for over 3,000 special needs students daily. Most special needs buses are staffed with a monitor who through specialized training and certification assures a safe and controlled transportation environment for our students. Transportation to special education programs is provided for District students with disabilities and/or impairments who are eligible for special education services and who would be unable to attend school and benefit from their special education programs of instruction without the availability of such transportation. 

Our Special Education Department Coordinators work as the liaison between transportation, campuses, parents and teachers.  In order to be eligible for special needs transportation, a student must have the following:

  • A completed written Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) committee recommendation requesting specialized transportation services and stating the specific type of transportation services necessary to reasonably accommodate the student's disability or impairment; and;
  • An Individualized Education Program(IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) that includes the completed written recommendation of the ARD committee request of specialized transportation services.

For further information on special needs services, please contact our Special Education Department at (972) 581-4100